A Mongoloid Child Handling Shells On The Beach
A Mongoloid Child Handling Shells On The Beach
Poem By: Richard Snyder
The poem is about a Mongoloid child, who is silently sitting on the beach, playing shells on her hand. A Mongoloid child is both mentally and physically lost. The mongoloid child is broken. She is clam and quiet. There is the comparison between the mongoloid child and other healthy children. They are unbroken. They are crying and swimming in the water of the sea. But the mongoloid child is just humming back the sound of the sea. The main comparison is between sea and the surf. Surf is the wave on the sea. Sea is clam and quiet, but the surf is nosily, louder and violent. The mongoloid child is the sea and the other healthy children are the surf. The poet is expressing sympathy towards the mongoloid child.
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