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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl elit viverra sollicitudin phasellus eros, vitae a mollis. Congue sociis amet, fermentum lacinia sed, orci auctor in vitae amet enim. Ridiculus nullam proin vehicula nulla euismod id. Ac est facilisis eget, ligula lacinia, vitae sed lorem nunc.


Play By: w.B. yeats

This is shoot play ‘purgatory’ is written by the famous writer W.B. Yeats. The theme of this play is related to the crime and its confession yeats has expressed his brief that there is also a life after death through this play the meaning of ‘ purgatory’ is  place of expiation and is tested for new life.

There are mainly characters in this plays the old man and the boy. The ghost of the old mans parents are also seen as the dialogue proceeds. The old man is accompanied by his sixteen years old son who is a bastard one. In the play the old man say how and why he murdered his father. He says that his mother had owned the houses, the surroundings scenery the country side, kennel stable, horse and sounds. She was very rich. The old man’s father was a groom in a training stable Although she was  an aristocratic lady. She fail in love with the groom and married him. He got the girl and her property. He started to waste the properties in gambling, drinking, women and horse race. She didn’t know the most worst, Consequences the followed because she died at the child birth. The child (The old man) grew up saw every worst thing done by his Father and at he age of sixteen stabbed his father to death.

And the old man was going to kill the boy because he thought the boy was himself sin in the family. Because he was a bastard. So to make huge family free from the sin, he stabbed the boy  with the same knife that he used to kill his father.


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