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Two Long Term Problems: Too Many People, Too Few Trees

Two Long Term Problems: Too Many People, Too Few Trees
Essay By: Moti Nissani

In this essay 'Two Long Term Problems: Too Many People, Too Few Trees'. Moti Nissani provides  brief introduction to the twin problems of over population and deforestation.

In 1992 over 1500 of the world scientist signed a document expressing their anxiety towards the condition of biosphere. According to those scholars. Human activities have caused threat to the nature. Unless these irreversible damage on the environment and on the critical resources is checked the world is doomed to suffer. The Royal National society and the U.S. national Academy have also expressed similar concerns.

The world has become less safe Despite the rapid progress in the field of science and technology, the health hazards like cancer, empty some, asthma, low human sperms and premature rehearing loss quite high. All the water resources and polluted. We find poison in our food drink and air. We have endangered the lives of many birds and animal such as dodos great up, passenger, pigeon are extinction. We are facing many problems of climate changes,food diseases and mass migrations.

Due to advance medical Sciences, people live longer and the populations has started growing rapidly population growth causes environmental problems. In order to feed over population, forests have to be cleared, Because of huge population, Crime and conflicts increase. The problem can be solved it over population can be controlled. It can be controlled through modernization. literacy, media, campaigns, easily available contraceptives and equal opportunity for women.

Deforestation is another processing problem. The destruction of forest result in floods, landslides and soil-erosion. As the population increase. We face the problems of Ozen depletion, green house effect and acid rain. Reforestation will have bio-diversity, pure wilderness and if will minimize desertification flooding and declines in rainfall. The research of alternativefuel is also essential to solve the problem lasty. We need strong determination to put this knowledge into practice.


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