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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl elit viverra sollicitudin phasellus eros, vitae a mollis. Congue sociis amet, fermentum lacinia sed, orci auctor in vitae amet enim. Ridiculus nullam proin vehicula nulla euismod id. Ac est facilisis eget, ligula lacinia, vitae sed lorem nunc.

Wet Saturday

Wet Saturday
John Collier
- Story

 It is Saturday morning slightly raining. The family of Mr.Princey  has gathered together to disuse about the serious event which has just taken place. Mr. Princey is from respected family background ho loves his house because it reminds him of past glory. But he hates his wife, daughter and son because they are not able to maintain the remaining family respect. 

      Right now, there is the dead body of the young priest in the stable. The young priest is murdered by Millicent. The young priest was in his way and he wanted to meet Millicent in the stable. He was very happy and wanted to share his happiness with Millicent. He told Millicent that he was engaged with Ella Davies. Millicent become very upset and she could not control herself. In anger, she took the metal stick and hit on his head.
The priest died Millicent has the illusion that the young priest was in love with her. Mr. Priency wants to make the event look like an accident. Because otherwise society sees him as the father of the criminal. He has to lose the remaining family respect. 

     In the mean time, their is the knock on the door by the captain. The captain does not know anything about the crime and the dead body. When the captain enters into the house, George holds him at the gun point. The captain is taken to the stable. He is forced to hold the same metal stick and forced to hit on the head of the dead priest. Some pieces of hair are taken out from his head. The dead body is put in the gutter and covered. Priency says to the captain that no one will open mouth about the event.

     The captain takes his way and Mr. Priency informs about the event to the police station. We just know that police man will come and make an investigation. They evidences and will arrest the captain. An innocent man is trapped as criminal by Mr. Priency is not only clever but also cruel. Mr. Priency saves Millicent not out of love but out of the desire to save the family respect.


different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent