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The Elephant

The Elephant
Story By: Slowonir Morzek

The story is stair on the communist system of government. It shows how the administration is in communist system. Their is the zoo and the director. The director does not take care of the animals in the zoo. He takes the animals as the steps to get power and promotion. The director is a very selfish man. The zoo does not have an Elephant. The director thinks to keep three thousand Rabbits in the place of Elephant. The idea is meaning less and silly.

     The ministry makes a decision to provide the zoo with an Elephant. All the officers and workers working in the zoo are happy with the decision and welcome it. But the director has a very different opinion. He sends a proposal to ministry. In it, he writes that keeping an Elephant is expensive job. He writes that it is better to put a rubber Elephant on display in the zoo. The money that is spent on national development the director appears to be a great lover of his nation. But the reality is just the opposite. The proposal it self is meaningless and silly. It will cheat the visitor who came to see the Elephant in the zoo. Overnight, the rubber Elephant is made blow out of air and put on display in the zoo.

     School children are the first visitors to see the Elephant. The school teacher is going to give them practical knowledge about the Elephant. The teacher tells them that the Elephant is the biggest animal on this Earth. It is herbivorous and moves the trunk to get the food. Their is the sign board on which it is written that this particular Elephant is sluggish.

    The school children wait for the Elephant to move it's trunk. It the meantime slight wind blows. The rubber Elephant starts to fly up in the sky. The school children are very much surprised to find the Elephant flying up in the sky. It is because the teacher has not told them that the Elephant can fly up in the sky. The Elephant crosses the wall, land on the cactus tree and gets broken. The school children do not believe in the formal education. They becomes violent and smash the windows and railings. They make a type of revolt. The communists administration runs by cheating the people. When the people came to know that they are cheated by administration, they make revolt and there will be the end of communist system.


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