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The Pandora's Box

The Pandora's Box
Play By: Rosalind Vallance

 The play is based on myth. It has something to say about human history and civilization. Pandora and Epmimetheus are playing together in a garden. They have fallen in love with each other. The world that we find at the beginning of the play is fall of happiness. Every things is fresh and new in is like living in the paradise. There is no existence of pain, sorrow and misery. In the meantime Hermes, the messenger, comes down carrying a box and put it in the garden where Pandora and Epmimetheus are paying together.
     As soon as the box is put there. The eyes of Pandora are fixed on it. Epmimetheus has nothing to do with the box. The whole attention of Pandora is caught by the box. The box is very terrible to look at as it is guarded by the hissing snacks. A strange sound is trying to come out of it. It is Pandora, who will open the box. Pandora was created by God out of clay to open the box, misery and sorrow comes out. The previous happiness is lost, the world is no longer a paradise. 

      Life does not continue if there is only misery and sorrow. For the second time there is still some strange sound trying to come out of the box. For the second time second time when Pandora opens up the box, This time hope comes out. Human life is the mixture of happiness, sorrow and hope. It is hope that forces us to continue our life. In the play God is presented in a very negative way as he is not able to tolerate human happiness.



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