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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, nisl elit viverra sollicitudin phasellus eros, vitae a mollis. Congue sociis amet, fermentum lacinia sed, orci auctor in vitae amet enim. Ridiculus nullam proin vehicula nulla euismod id. Ac est facilisis eget, ligula lacinia, vitae sed lorem nunc.

A Child is Born

A Child is Born
By: Germaine Gveer 

In traditional society, pregnant woman is taken care by her relatives and family that makes her feel good and avoid her mental pain. When she gives birth to a child, it is celebrated joyously. The child is reared loving by the whole family in the traditional society. Child rearing is benefit practice for the child and young mother. The mother and new baby are given new clothes. There is feasting and singing. The whole family looks after the child. One of the rewards of her pregnancy and production of the child that the mother can go home to visit her mother and sister.

The main advantage in traditional society is that the child is a good environment to make good relationship with his/her biological family and relatives. Under the age of 5 or 6 the children are looked often together by the whole family. They are token together to the pond to have a bath and feed together. In the afternoon they are told ferry tails. They live with their big mummy or small mummy during the dog but at night they always sleep with their own mother. But there is no such practice in the modern individualistic society.

After the birth of a child in a traditional society, there are many ritual practices.  Naming ceremony is the most important in these days, the mother is encouraged, child is looked after and there is a feast for relatives singing, dancing, merry making are common in traditional society.

The Children Who Wait

The Children Who Wait
Essay By: Marsha Traugot

In this essay, Marsha Traughot discusses and analysis a new trend in adoption. She also suggest the regions and factor responsible for this change in attitude towards adoption. She says that in the past, there were large numbers of children labeled unadoptable. But now a wider verity of families can open and opening homes for those unadoptable children. In setting for the causes for this change in adoption trend, she discusses and presents examples from the society.

The essay opens with a newspaper profile of about five gears old girl Tammy. Tammy has charming out looks but she suffers from total alcohol syndrome. The disease could put a stop to her intellectual growth at any time. Twenty years ago Tammy would have been to tally rejected by adoptive families because she is non-white, over five years and handicapped too. In the port it was hard to find matching adoptive families because they set forth various criteria for the children to be adopted healthy white children not overage.

But in the last two decades the field of adoption has been changed a lot adoption has been made easier because of new techniques, various civil rights movement birth control, changing social values, social science research, harsh economic reality also played a vital role in easing out the process of adoption. Black Civil nights movement encouraged interracial adoption by raising the standard of human decency and justice. The women's movement and the increasing the availability of birth control legalized abortion changes new views on sexual behavior and marriage reduce the number of healthy adoptable in fronts. Now less unwanted babies were burn and unwed mother and specially teenagers preferred to take care to their babies themselves with the help of their on families. The created scarcity of adoptable children and even there were new reports of secrete sales of adoptable children in foster home's and waited to be adopted.

Traveling Through The Dark

Traveling Through The Dark
Poem By: William Stafford

This poem is written by William Stafford. In this poem, he presents a great conflict between two realities, efficiency and responsibility and emotion warmers than good judgement.

The poet sees a dead deer while travelling on narrow road. He finds the deer on the edge of Wilson river road. It is the best idea to push the dead body to steep valley changing the direction of the car can cause the death more deer.

He gets behind the car and stands by the carcass. It has already stiffened. The poet drags the deer of. He finds that she is large in the belly. He touches the side of the deer and finds that side is still warm. The fawn is lying there, it is still alive but unfortunately it will be never born as its mother is already dead. Here physical action stops as the emotional action begins. The poet thinks about the feat of fawn and becomes sentimental. He can't  decide for a moment, what to do with the found at last, He takes a decision to drag the deer of to be sage from the another her accident.

A Story

A Story
Story By: Dylan Thomas

This is humorous story. The narrator tells the story from a child’s point of view. The story is about a day’s trip to the porthcawl but the members of the trip never reached there. The incident happened when the narrator was young and happy. The narrator of this story is a child. He presents the adults world from a child’s point of view.

The narrator lived with his uncle and his uncle wife. The uncle was big and noisy but his wife was small and quiet. She was so small that she could hit her husband only if she stood on a chair. Every Saturday night at half past tennis uncle would lift her. Up uncle his arm onto a chair in the kitchen so that she could heat him on the head with whatever she found which was always a china dog.
The uncle owned a shop in front of his house. When the uncle and his friends were there it was too congested. One day his uncle and his uncle’s friends made a plan for outing. The aunt asked the uncle to make choice between her and the outing on Saturday. He choose outing. Next week on the Saturday morning, they found that aunt had gone to her parents. The boy found a note in the kitchen in which there was written,” there’ some eggs in the pantry. Take your shoe off before you go to bed this shows that she loved her husband very much. What she disliked must his drinking habit. She also disliked his friends.

On Saturday morning, despite his friends objection, uncle took the boy with him. The narrator got various aspects of these grown up men revealed that day once they started off, they had left old a Jones realized that he forget his false teeth. He needed them to smile whenever the bus passed the public house, Mr. Weazley would cough like goat and would stop and drink at every public house, they saw the way.

The boy heat to guard the bus. They drank and ever gambled. Mr. Jones won onion in cards. They cracked vulgar jokes. While coming out from one of the pubs. They felt it was getting late and without reaching to their destination, porthcawl, they returned home while returning. The narrator was drifting to sleep against uncle’s mountainous waistcoat will sentry was shouting who goes there? Looking at the moon.   


Play By: w.B. yeats

This is shoot play ‘purgatory’ is written by the famous writer W.B. Yeats. The theme of this play is related to the crime and its confession yeats has expressed his brief that there is also a life after death through this play the meaning of ‘ purgatory’ is  place of expiation and is tested for new life.

There are mainly characters in this plays the old man and the boy. The ghost of the old mans parents are also seen as the dialogue proceeds. The old man is accompanied by his sixteen years old son who is a bastard one. In the play the old man say how and why he murdered his father. He says that his mother had owned the houses, the surroundings scenery the country side, kennel stable, horse and sounds. She was very rich. The old man’s father was a groom in a training stable Although she was  an aristocratic lady. She fail in love with the groom and married him. He got the girl and her property. He started to waste the properties in gambling, drinking, women and horse race. She didn’t know the most worst, Consequences the followed because she died at the child birth. The child (The old man) grew up saw every worst thing done by his Father and at he age of sixteen stabbed his father to death.

And the old man was going to kill the boy because he thought the boy was himself sin in the family. Because he was a bastard. So to make huge family free from the sin, he stabbed the boy  with the same knife that he used to kill his father.

The Boarding House

The Boarding House
James Joyce

Mrs. Money was a Buther’s daughters. She was a reserved woman. She married her father’s foreman and after marriage she also opened a Buther’s shop. Her father in law died after this her husband felt free. He involved in drink plundered the tice and started becoming a bank-ruot. He also used to fight his wife before the customers. This way too he lost his business. He went to the extent of trying to kill his wife got divorced from him with the permission of the priest. Mr. Money was a shabby and drunkard. He had where to go. He wait ed for the job as a sheriff’s man. Mrs. Mooney did not give him any share. What ever remaining amount she got from the Buther’s business. She used that amount to open a  boarding house in tardwick stree very many tourists and visitors used to come to her place for eating and lodging. She wad canning and firm woman. Young man used to address her as the madam she had a son (Jock Mooney) and daughter (poly Mooney). Jock was a vulgar type of man. He used to speak obscene words on Sunday nights people used to gather for singing and dancing. It would be enjoyable for all.

Mrs. Mooney's daughter Polly was a slim girl of 19. She was a beautiful and odd type of girl. Because of her, young men used to visit  the Boarding house more often that usual. She used flirt with young men and the young men would be daughter to have her with them. But her mother understood well that none of the the young men had any intention of marrying Polly.

She wished to unite these couples in marriage an a bright Sunday morning of early summer, Mrs. Mooney sat in her arm chair and started thinking over how her plan could be realized. She wished to send Mary (servant) to Mr. Doran’s room in order to call him to her room to settle the thing.

Mrs. Doran, on the other hand was Anxous. He could no share because his hand became unsteady of out of fear. The night before he had gone to the priest’s and has confessed. The Priest meaginifed his sin. There were only two options left to him: to marry Polly or run away. Mrs. Doran also the fear that his employer would sack him from his job if he heard the sin incurred. He was sitting helpless on the side of this bed. After sometime miss round his neck. He was reminded of all the used to help him by warning his food by giving him drinks whne he came late in the cold nights.

After sometimes, marry came to Mr. Doran to call him to Mrs .Money. he was helpless. As he went down the stairs, he encountered Jack, Mooney, whose picture again reminded him of the night. When jack thing freely about Polly.

On the other hand Miss Polly wanted patiently and cheerfully. She was hopeful that her mother would settle her marriage wit Mr. Doran. At last her  mother calling her and knew that Mr. Doran wanted to speak her marriage.

Full Fathon five Thy Father Lies

Full Fathom five Thy Father Lies
Poem By:William Shakespeare

This poem is writing by William Shakespeare, father of English. This poem occurs in his drama. The tempest, act 1, scene 11. In this poem, he has glorified the death.

This poem is in the form of song. It is sung by  the spirit, Ariel, the sea nymphs in the praise of Ferdinand father death. She says to him (The prince) that his father his father’s bones are changed into coral and eyes are into pearls. Nothing has been decayed. Every organs of his father has changed into something rich and strange due to a sea change the sea nymphs ring knell in every hr to glorified his father death. This poem is also famous for it’s musical tone/rhythm. It is full of onomatopoeia, alliteration and assonance which contribute to the meaning of the poem.

Women’s Business

Women’s Business
Essay By: Ilene Kantov

This essay ‘women’s Business is is written by a famous essayist Ilence kantrov. She has painted a portrait. Her name is Lydia Pinkham after that, the essayist goes on to describe about other business woman who followed in Lydia’s foot steps.

In 1879 readers could see on the picture of newspaper. The face advertised has home-made medicines for the cure of women’s diseases. One her home remedy was vegetable compound. It promised are lief from ‘falling the womb and all female weaknesses. She nit only advertised her products but also supported women’s right ,temperance and fiscal reforms. She encouraged women patient to get treatment only from women doctors. In addiction of hr own medicine, Lydia gave them advice on died, exercise and hygiene.

She also used the traditional feminine image to market her product. She printed reports from women patients that Pinkham’s home remedies had cured a number of physical ills and infertility, nervousness, hysteria and even marriage related problems.

She only earned name and fame but also a lot of money. She occupied special world and she also set an example for other business women of the following century. Inspired by Pinkham, many other women completed with her and exploited their traditional feminine image in selling in their product emphasizing their glamorous image,Pinkham’s arch rivals Helena Rubinstein and Elizabeth Arden marriages in high,class families some women like Rudin and Grossinger exploited the image mother or grandmother and achieved a great success in to holes business   

Two Long Term Problems: Too Many People, Too Few Trees

Two Long Term Problems: Too Many People, Too Few Trees
Essay By: Moti Nissani

In this essay 'Two Long Term Problems: Too Many People, Too Few Trees'. Moti Nissani provides  brief introduction to the twin problems of over population and deforestation.

In 1992 over 1500 of the world scientist signed a document expressing their anxiety towards the condition of biosphere. According to those scholars. Human activities have caused threat to the nature. Unless these irreversible damage on the environment and on the critical resources is checked the world is doomed to suffer. The Royal National society and the U.S. national Academy have also expressed similar concerns.

The world has become less safe Despite the rapid progress in the field of science and technology, the health hazards like cancer, empty some, asthma, low human sperms and premature rehearing loss quite high. All the water resources and polluted. We find poison in our food drink and air. We have endangered the lives of many birds and animal such as dodos great up, passenger, pigeon are extinction. We are facing many problems of climate changes,food diseases and mass migrations.

Due to advance medical Sciences, people live longer and the populations has started growing rapidly population growth causes environmental problems. In order to feed over population, forests have to be cleared, Because of huge population, Crime and conflicts increase. The problem can be solved it over population can be controlled. It can be controlled through modernization. literacy, media, campaigns, easily available contraceptives and equal opportunity for women.

Deforestation is another processing problem. The destruction of forest result in floods, landslides and soil-erosion. As the population increase. We face the problems of Ozen depletion, green house effect and acid rain. Reforestation will have bio-diversity, pure wilderness and if will minimize desertification flooding and declines in rainfall. The research of alternativefuel is also essential to solve the problem lasty. We need strong determination to put this knowledge into practice.

The Lamentation Of The Old Pensioner

The Lamentation Of The Old Pensioner
Poem By W.B. Yeats

This present poem " The Lamentation Of The Old Pensioner" is written by the famous poet. W.B. Yeasts. In this poem, the poet has highligted the importance of 'time.' He has tried to us that time is such a powerful force which offers all the creature of the world. None can be saved from its effects.

The tittle of the poem is suitable the whole poem present the agonies and lamentation of an old pensioner. He laments for the loss of his youth. He remember his youth and expresses his grief in the old age. He has lost much of youthful vigure, beauty and zeas. The poet has compared himself with an old man. We find the personal expression of the life of the poet. He laments for the loss of his youths and unable to get love his beloved, Maud Gonne.

The man spits into the face of time because he is angry with it. Times has changed him into an old, weak and unattractive man. No woman and friend come to him to talk love because of his old age so, he shows his anger towards time. The speaker laments the loss of his vigorus youth, his fiends and lovers. When he was young, he use to sit by the fire with his friends and talk about love and politics. Now, he has become like a broken tree. No woman gets attracted to him. Therefore, he express his sadness at what he has lost.


Poem by: Ray Young Bear

Ray Young Bear, American-Indian poet and novelist was born in a mesquaki tribe. The theme of his writings is the contemporary American Indians search for identification.

In this poem 'Grandmother' the poet has re caused his grandmother's picture. The grandmother had a distinct shape. He could know her from a mile away. She used to wear purple scarf and eary plastic shopping bag while going to and returning from the market. When she returned from the field, her hands used to we yet he could still feel the warmth of affection, love and care in her touch. He could even know her by the smell of roots coming from her hands. He would always remembers his grandmother's every inspiring, so, thing voice every time he went towards the graveyard he felt. he head her voice. The voice followed into him like the light of someone stiing ashes from a sleeping fire at night. She was all loving and all inspiring.

The grandmother represents the cultural identity of the mesquoki tribe by remembering his grandmother, his something the loss of cultural identify.  The poet is suggesting that cultural identity is the base of their existence. Everyone should work hard to seek and preserve such identity.

A Mongoloid Child Handling Shells On The Beach

A Mongoloid Child Handling Shells On The Beach
Poem By: Richard Snyder

The poem is about a Mongoloid child, who is silently sitting on the beach, playing shells on her hand. A Mongoloid child is both mentally and physically lost. The mongoloid child is broken. She is clam and quiet. There is the comparison between the mongoloid child and other healthy children. They are unbroken. They are crying and swimming in the water of the sea. But the mongoloid child is just humming back the sound of the sea. The main comparison is between sea and the surf. Surf is the wave on the sea. Sea is clam and quiet, but the surf is nosily, louder and violent. The mongoloid child is the sea and the other healthy children are the surf. The poet is expressing sympathy towards the mongoloid child. 

Buffalo Bill

Buffalo Bill
Poem By: E.E. Cummings 

E.E. Cummings is the modern American poet. He is the poet who Violates the rules of grammars. His poem is not neatly divided into stanzas. He capitalizes words when it is not grammatical necessary. Even at the end of the poem there is no any fulls-stop. His poem has got a certain shape. The word Jesus is put at the far end to have the shape of the bullet. The shape is related with the subject matter of the the poem. Bullet is the main idea of this poem.

    Buffalo Bill represents William Cody. William Cody was the American cowboy. He was the hunter, shooter and the rider. He was a man of fewer words. When there was quarrel and dispute, it was his gun that used to speak. Cody is no longer alive. The poem appreciates his look, appearance his horse. Cody used to ride the strong male horse. His bullet used to kill the pigeons. Pigeons is the symbol of peace. Onetwothreefoursixseven..... means the speed of the bullet. Jesus is the ideal of the poem. He was the Lover of peace. Blue-eyed parents darling .

    Mr. Death is the all powerful death from which we escape. The blue-eyed  boy was the darling son of the Mr. Death. Cody was the man of war and violence, he himself was the death. The poem is the criticism of William Cody.


 Story By: Catherine Lim

It it the tragic story. Taysoon and his wife Yeelian have the dream of buying a grand house. They always talk and think about the big house. Their children are also influenced by the dream of the big house. Right now the family of Taysoon is living in his mother's house. The house is small but beautiful and comfortable. The mother does not see any meaning of the big and grand house. She warns Taysoon not to have bigger dream.

     The dream of buying the grand house is not just empty dream. Both Taysoon and his wife have the good job and they have already collected 40,000 dollars to buy the big house. They can take loan and repay it on installment. But the sister of Yeelian suggests them to invest the money in the share market. Share business is like gambling.

     They put the money in the share business. It goes up in very rapid speed. They earn more money than it is needed to buy the grand house. They do not stop and go on putting the money. But the day comes when the share market begins to to down. Taysoon goes on losing the money. But the business does not improve Taysoon has to lose even the 40,000 dollars. It is the greed. Which does not allow them to stop. Greed leads to human tragedy. Taysoon gets a great shock. He lose the control of his mind. He is put in the hospital, but his condition does not become good. He is about to lose his life. It is the mother, who takes the responsibility. Taysoon has the last wise that an elaborate paper house should be burnt with his dead body. The story tells us that their is a great gap between human ambition and real achievement. The ambition is the wonderful big house, but the achievement is the paper house. This is the source of human sadness.

The Elephant

The Elephant
Story By: Slowonir Morzek

The story is stair on the communist system of government. It shows how the administration is in communist system. Their is the zoo and the director. The director does not take care of the animals in the zoo. He takes the animals as the steps to get power and promotion. The director is a very selfish man. The zoo does not have an Elephant. The director thinks to keep three thousand Rabbits in the place of Elephant. The idea is meaning less and silly.

     The ministry makes a decision to provide the zoo with an Elephant. All the officers and workers working in the zoo are happy with the decision and welcome it. But the director has a very different opinion. He sends a proposal to ministry. In it, he writes that keeping an Elephant is expensive job. He writes that it is better to put a rubber Elephant on display in the zoo. The money that is spent on national development the director appears to be a great lover of his nation. But the reality is just the opposite. The proposal it self is meaningless and silly. It will cheat the visitor who came to see the Elephant in the zoo. Overnight, the rubber Elephant is made blow out of air and put on display in the zoo.

     School children are the first visitors to see the Elephant. The school teacher is going to give them practical knowledge about the Elephant. The teacher tells them that the Elephant is the biggest animal on this Earth. It is herbivorous and moves the trunk to get the food. Their is the sign board on which it is written that this particular Elephant is sluggish.

    The school children wait for the Elephant to move it's trunk. It the meantime slight wind blows. The rubber Elephant starts to fly up in the sky. The school children are very much surprised to find the Elephant flying up in the sky. It is because the teacher has not told them that the Elephant can fly up in the sky. The Elephant crosses the wall, land on the cactus tree and gets broken. The school children do not believe in the formal education. They becomes violent and smash the windows and railings. They make a type of revolt. The communists administration runs by cheating the people. When the people came to know that they are cheated by administration, they make revolt and there will be the end of communist system.

The Pandora's Box

The Pandora's Box
Play By: Rosalind Vallance

 The play is based on myth. It has something to say about human history and civilization. Pandora and Epmimetheus are playing together in a garden. They have fallen in love with each other. The world that we find at the beginning of the play is fall of happiness. Every things is fresh and new in is like living in the paradise. There is no existence of pain, sorrow and misery. In the meantime Hermes, the messenger, comes down carrying a box and put it in the garden where Pandora and Epmimetheus are paying together.
     As soon as the box is put there. The eyes of Pandora are fixed on it. Epmimetheus has nothing to do with the box. The whole attention of Pandora is caught by the box. The box is very terrible to look at as it is guarded by the hissing snacks. A strange sound is trying to come out of it. It is Pandora, who will open the box. Pandora was created by God out of clay to open the box, misery and sorrow comes out. The previous happiness is lost, the world is no longer a paradise. 

      Life does not continue if there is only misery and sorrow. For the second time there is still some strange sound trying to come out of the box. For the second time second time when Pandora opens up the box, This time hope comes out. Human life is the mixture of happiness, sorrow and hope. It is hope that forces us to continue our life. In the play God is presented in a very negative way as he is not able to tolerate human happiness.


When icicles hang by the wall

When icicles hang by the wall
Poems By: William Shakespeare

 The poem is about winter season. Although there is no word summer in the poem, still there is hidden comparison between winter and summer. Every season has it's own disadvantage and weakness, but there is some beauty and attraction. Winter season has disadvantages and Shakespeare is very open and frank in pointing out those weakness.

      Dick the shepherd is blowing his nail, Tom carries the logs into the thrum, Milk comes home frozen. Blood become cold and ways are muddy, Cold wind blow and people have to suffer from coughing. Nose beings to water down and birds can not fly up in the sky. They are disadvantages of winter season. There is the beautiful song coming from the Owl at night. The song of the bird is the symbol of happiness found in the winter season. 

     From the very beginning the poem tells us to go inside the house. We can't enjoy winter roaming outside. We can enjoy winter inside the house sitting in a warm room and sipping hot soup of roasted crab. This is more then all the disadvantages. We can enjoy summer roaming outside at evening taking the fresh air.

A very special pet

A very special pet
Story By: Nicholas Mohr

 The story is about Fernandez family. The family is poor and big. The family has just migrated to New York from Pureto Rico. The family is so poor that it has to sell all it's property just to meet the cost of the travel. The family has migrated to New York with the hope of getting good job and earning some money.

     The family has a special pet named Joncrofo. The mother had bought it with the hope that the hen will lay eggs and she will be able to feed her family with fresh eggs. The neighboring children have a lot of play things, but the Fernandez children do not have any play things. They have just Joncrofo and the children are proud of it, the neighboring children have a lot of play things, but they do not have Joncrofo. There is the the close, warm and intimate relationship between Joncrofo and the Fernandez children.

      Even in New York the family is not able to save money. What it earns is all spent, Christmas is coming and the kitchen store is already empty. Time has come for Joncrofo to lay eggs, but the hen does not. The mother fulfills all the possible treatment but they are of no use. Joncrofo is already burden to poor family. The mother decides to kill Joncrofo and her family will get fresh meat at Christmas. People do not generally kill there pet. It is the poverty which forces the mother to kill the hen.

     The mother can not kill Joncrofo in the presence of the children. So she sends them away to play on the ground. Joncrofo lives in the kitchen. The mother knock the door, take a broom in her hand and runs after the Joncrofo. There is the long struggle between them. Finally the mother hits Joncrofo with the broom. Joncorfo falls unconscious on the floor. The children hear some noise coming from the kitchen. They find the kitchen room locked from in side. They suspect somethings wrong has taken place.

    The mother opens up the kitchen door. The children cry and weep when they see Joncrofo unconscious on the floor. The mother is not in position to kill Joncrofo. She picks it up, caress and feed some drops of wine. JOncrofo is able to get back the lost unconscious. The strong ends with the image of Pureto Rico. The family wants to come back to Pureto Rico after it earns a lot of money in New York. The family has the dream of buying a bigger piece of land.

The Letter "A"

The Letter "A"
Essay By: Christy Brown

 The essay is autobiographical. Christy Brown writes about his own miserable childhood. His birth was deadly as the mother had nearly lost her life. As Christy Brown grew up. He showed fearful physical symptoms. For example he could not sit up and needed heavy support at the back. He could not catch up the nib of the feeding bottle. His hands always went back and the finger were stuck up.

   The mother took the child to the doctor and the doctor pointed out the Christy Brown was the hopeless case. There was no any possibility of improvement. That is to say Christy Brown was both mentally and physically lost. The mother could not believe that is why she did not like to put her child in the mental hospital. She needed evidence to justify her faith. She used to show the books of animal, plants and flowers. But it was of no use. Christy Brown could not speak even a single word. 

Wet Saturday

Wet Saturday
John Collier
- Story

 It is Saturday morning slightly raining. The family of Mr.Princey  has gathered together to disuse about the serious event which has just taken place. Mr. Princey is from respected family background ho loves his house because it reminds him of past glory. But he hates his wife, daughter and son because they are not able to maintain the remaining family respect. 

      Right now, there is the dead body of the young priest in the stable. The young priest is murdered by Millicent. The young priest was in his way and he wanted to meet Millicent in the stable. He was very happy and wanted to share his happiness with Millicent. He told Millicent that he was engaged with Ella Davies. Millicent become very upset and she could not control herself. In anger, she took the metal stick and hit on his head.

different paths

college campus lawn

wires in front of sky

aerial perspective


clouds over the highway

The Poultney Inn

apartment for rent